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Andrew Vo
August 26, 2024 12:36 am

The themes fatherhood and the fractured relationship that is explored with parents hit close to home, so I very much enjoyed it

Steven Keena
August 22, 2024 9:48 pm

Family chemistry, acceptance and love are the main focus in this presentation. I enjoyed how the performer would engage the audience with music and visual slides to elaborate his story, which I could relate to

August 19, 2024 5:32 am

Nice combination of various media, the strongest of which were the humorous songs!
I didn’t understand the title, Gags. I think Baba would have been a better title.

Denise Dee
August 18, 2024 12:04 pm

Raw honesty with moments of dark humor and a revised Ramones song create an intimate performance. I laughed, I choked up and then bawled.

If you had a fractured relationship with one (or both) of your parents Gags may open up a part of you that was/is buried and bring catharsis.

I highly recommend Gags and it has my vote for Best of the Fringe.

Kerry Muir
August 12, 2024 6:53 am

A poignant and provocative tour through the all-too-often fraught terrain of father-son relationships. By turns funny and moving, the show pays homage to the playwright’s “Baba”– the stern, punitive immigrant father who kept his family at arm’s length while harboring a shameful secret: a lifelong struggle with mental health demons. Family secrets rise to the surface in this one-man tour-de-force, which is delivered in multiple mediums: film, theater, still photography, live music, stand-up comedy, and good old fashioned storytelling, all of it culminating in a well-earned catharsis. Highly recommend!

Jeff Atwood
August 12, 2024 4:13 am

Delightful, entertaining, and heartfelt. Kind of a one man asian Tenacious D feeling to it!

August 10, 2024 8:53 pm

Press for Gags: “Heartfelt Musical Comedy Explores Asian-american Father-Son relationship”