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Rachael M.
September 16, 2024 8:34 pm

Homage is a beautiful tribute to three generations of women portrayed with the compassion, wit, and humor of a fabulous story-teller! Suzanne Fried brings to life her grandmother, her mother, and her younger self within the richness of historical, cultural, and familial contexts to deliver a performance that is personal, and yet transcends the individual lives of these strong, amazing women. The audience is brought into their worlds through the lens of love and understanding, and taken on a journey filled with many relatable moments of joy, sadness, laughter, and hope. I would highly recommend getting to this show if you can, and I hope to be able to experience it again!

Tiffany d.
September 8, 2024 2:17 pm

Homage is a deeply moving solo performance that masterfully weaves the stories of three generations of women, blending tragedy and comedy with grace. Suzanne Freed’s storytelling is rich with sincerity, humor, and emotion. Her ability to delve into the darkest moments while keeping a flicker of hope alive is remarkable. The journey she takes the audience on – from the struggles of parenting to the trauma of generational loss – is relatable, transcendent, and inspiring.

As an audience member, I was struck by how Suzanne brought to life the experiences of her mother, grandmother, and herself. She effortlessly moved between characters, balancing moments of heartbreak with lightness and laughter. The show is both a tribute to survival and a celebration of resilience. From cooking blintzes to navigating generational trauma, Homage beautifully illustrates the complexity of family bonds. This performance garnered a standing ovation and I can’t wait to see what she does next! 

August 27, 2024 4:56 pm

Suzanne‘s portrayal of three generations of women in her family, immersed my heart and mind in the complexity and intricacy of family relationships. She explores the inner and outer worlds of these women with humor and passion and made me reflect on my own family story.

Carol Fullerton
August 26, 2024 4:49 am

What an amazing story! I could understand their frustrations. Suzanne’s performance was very moving. I enjoyed it.

Cynthia Friedman
August 25, 2024 1:54 am

Bravo! Mazel Tov! Suzanne’s performance was a tour de force.We were deeply moved by the courage and compassion with which she embodied the voices of 3 generations of resilient, oppressed women; this solo show was simply inspirational.Her show transforms trauma into triumph.

Maria Pedroza
August 24, 2024 3:35 am

With an astounding performance, Suzanne Freed shared her life experiences as the daughter and granddaughter of two brave, intelligent Jewish women. She reflected on the struggles and funny moments that helped define her childhood. In her warm, vivid, and, at moments, humorous story, Suzanne effortlessly navigates a blend of traumatic moments and complex topics like the persecution and extermination that her Jewish family suffered in Europe before and during WWII.
She made me laugh and cry, as I remembered my friends’ families growing up in Buenos Aires. Their “Bobbes” (Grandmothers), too, wanted their granddaughters to learn how to cook, follow cultural traditions, be intelligent, and be the best they could be.
Suzanne Freed played all the characters in her story with mastery and excellence, and the audience gave Suzanne a well-deserved standing ovation.

Brooke Deputy
August 21, 2024 2:10 am

An amazing performance honoring and giving tribute as well as giving us an opportunity to enter the lives and history of three women — daughter, mother, grandmother. We laughed, we cried as Suzanne shared her life and interactions while we watched her Mother and Grandmother come alive sharing their joys, their sufferings, their love and care for one another. A standing ovation well deserved.

Andrea Mock
August 20, 2024 12:12 am

I laughed. I cried. I leapt to my feet for the standing ovation. Suzanne did an amazing job inhabiting her characters. I’m so glad I got to see this fabulous tribute to her mom, her grandma, and her younger self.

Courtenay Morgan Redis
August 19, 2024 7:10 pm

Suzanne Freed’s ability to tell a complex story through the voice and personas of three distinct but connected women (granddaughter, mother and grandmother) is powerful and poignant. I was fully engaged, wishing I could meet these women in person. Fortunately we do get to meet the granddaughter — Suzanne herself! I highly recommend this performance.

August 19, 2024 6:09 am

Poignant indeed. Brought back memories of Yiddish words my grandmother used in the last century, with plenty of kvetching about all the schmucks, schlemiels, and downright sheisters putzing around. This shtick took chutzpah!

Denise Dee
August 18, 2024 4:53 pm

A beautiful raw honest performance. Zero attempt to sweep any part of the story under the rug. I was fully in their world from start to finish. I’m usually a crier but did not cry at Homage. I honor Suzanne Freed’s ability to present her family’s complicated story in a straightfoward way. I would go see Homage again.

Steven Keena
August 16, 2024 11:56 pm

I was deeply moved by this powerful family drama. Family dynamics are dissected and laid bare. Bring a hanky

Cynthia Pastor
August 13, 2024 12:48 am

This was a wonderfully moving one woman show about a generation that I was part of -it was accurate, touching and thought-provoking. I think Suzanne did an amazing job portraying the women living during this time and place.. bravo and well done!

Paul Schindler
August 12, 2024 4:14 pm

A wonderful, moving and thoughtful one-woman show by a talented performer. This is what theatre should be and why small theatre must be supported.

Leslie Brooke
August 12, 2024 9:14 am

Homage is a beautiful, poignant and at times very funny portrait of the relationship of a granddaughter with her mother and grandmother. The writer Suzanne Freed, who is the granddaughter in the story, captures the complex dynamics of her relationship with her mother and grandmother. The persecution her grandmothers’ family experienced as Jews in Europe before and during WWII, and the many losses suffered in the Holocaust is moving part of the family history. The story is full of feminine wisdom, love, humor and the trauma that gets passed down in families. I highly recommend this show!!