Oy, What They Said About Love

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Amielle Zemach
September 2, 2024 8:34 pm

The best performers of any kind get up and tell the truth.

Steve Budd does that here and the very specificity of his Jewish story pushes this one small hour into the universal realm of what it is to search for love while relentlessly stopping oneself from finding it. It is almost a paradigm of our ongoing human quest for coming to grips with what it is to be alive here, now, on this planet, with all the mishegas we bring in with us. Go see it. It will tell you something you may not want to know, and you will be richer for it.

Robert P
August 30, 2024 6:11 pm

I found out later Steve wrote whole new parts for this show. He did a bang up job. Great with the voices too!

Miyo Harvey
August 29, 2024 10:16 pm

Loved “Oy…” a reincarnation of “What They Say About Love” which is rich with a Jewish sensibility, but
so affecting a tale, it is universal in its appeal. Steve Budd the writer manages a complex feat – deeply moving as well as enticing laughter from his audience. As an actor, he plays multiple characters, male and female with differing dialects and opinions on relationships with authenticity. This is Steve Budd at his creative best! “Oy…“ is a “must see!”

Stuart Bousel
August 28, 2024 12:00 am

Being your own worst enemy is also a core theme of Steve Budd’s OY WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT LOVE. A frequent performer at the Fringe, Steve’s latest show is a combination of conversations with couples about the longevity secrets of their highly functional relationships, and his own inability to find someone and settle down, in spite of ostensibly wanting that and (in the specific narrative of the show at hand) being presented with a real opportunity to do so. But does Steve really want to find The One? And can he really want that when nobody ever seems to be The One? Both are very important questions that drive the piece to its bittersweet conclusion, and they remain unanswered in a move that, if not exactly satisfying narratively, feels both emotionally honest and deeply insightful for our protagonist narrator. As Steve takes us through every step of his whirlwind relationship with a beautiful foreigner he quickly becomes engaged to, we know there’s never a snow ball’s chance in Hell they

Hank O
August 27, 2024 9:10 pm

Touching, intimate, incisive and funny – there’s a lot of love in this show. It’s worth seeing.

Shelley C
August 27, 2024 5:23 pm

Oy, so much to say about love! 💕 very moving multi-faceted performance! 🎭
creativity is a many splendid thing, Steve Thankyou for inviting us all to participate in such a deep, vulnerable, funny portrait of our humanity😘

Karen Klaber
August 27, 2024 4:51 pm

Steve is a multi-talented guy and it’s a pleasure to hear and watch him go through his brilliant character changes with spot-on impersonations. He’s a very funny comedian, clever writer, and has a beautiful singing voice. His vulnerability shines through as well. What’s not to like?

Yael Schy
August 26, 2024 8:16 pm

Steve is a brilliant writer and performer! I saw his previous solo show, “What They Said About Love” several years ago when we were both in the SF Fringe Festival and I loved it! This new version with a decidedly Jewish take is WONDERFUL! As a person who has dealt with the pitfalls of the Jewish dating scene, I really appreciated Steve’s honesty and vulnerability in sharing some of his personal experiences and interviews with couples. He does so with a combination of wit and warmth that is irresistible! And his skill in portraying multiple characters is AMAZING! Bravo Steve! MAZEL TOV on a great show!

Carrie Kartman
August 26, 2024 4:29 am

Steve delivers a fine evening of revelations, tears, laughs and skillfully drawn characters, as he grapples with his search for “the one,” navigating a fledgling love affair, coping with the loss of a parent, and how Judaism figures into it all.

Carol Wong
August 22, 2024 4:00 pm

I saw Steve’s show “Oy, What They Said About Love” , more than a week ago, and it still sticks in my brain. Steve vulnerably shares of himself and skillfully portrays other characters in exploring this topic. I laughed and felt my heart tug many times, especially with his well- timed inquiries about love in all terrains of life- family, partner etc.

Thanks for another great show, Steve!!

Donna R
August 22, 2024 3:51 am

I recently saw Steve Budd’s “OY, WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT LOVE,” and am so glad I did. It’s my first time seeing Steve’s work. Aside from being able to, ahem, relate with his main dilemma, I found myself relating with most, if not all of his characters. Steve’s capacity to bring characters to life is incredible! Steve’s performance was touching, funny and real as in raw. His ability and willingness to be vulnerable in the immediacy of his show allows us to feel more intimate with him and also, with ourselves. Beautiful!

Marion Lovinger
August 21, 2024 2:45 pm

My husband and I, we really enjoyed that show. I had seen an older version and I admire how now Steve Budd puts together his personal story and the “interviews” about love. It is funny – and poignant in the same time. It is life.
I learnt this morning that his show was elected “Best of the Fringe”. Bravo and well deserved.

August 20, 2024 8:18 am

I was blown away by Steve Budd’s “Oy, What They Said About Love.” He’s great at bringing multiple characters to life and his story is so relatable. The show is hilarious and full of heart. I laughed and cried. See it if you can!

August 20, 2024 12:03 am

Steve Budd shines in “Oy, What They Said About Love!”

Strikingly honest, Budd simultaneously captures the complexities, shatters the myths and embraces the poignant, raw, and real moments of love and relationships. Exquisitely written and performed, wise and hilarious – this is a must see!

James Brooks
August 19, 2024 5:03 pm

I truly enjoyed this play, Steve took me back to my childhood days when there were a couple of Jewish families left in the neighborhood.
How he majestically transitioned from one character to the next truly amazing and very distinctive. Very funny. Take time go out to the theater to enjoy yourself this is one worth seeing. Congratulations Steve JB

Ron Visconti
August 19, 2024 3:51 pm

Steve created a compelling personal story about love, family, and being Jewish.

Denise Dee
August 18, 2024 4:38 pm

I enjoyed this roller coaster ride of a show. Steve Budd’s ease of switching characters drew me in and kept me engaged. The interviewees were charming and compelling. The ending was inevitable though I was hoping it wasn’t.

August 18, 2024 4:32 am

I enjoyed the show very much, it was touching and uplifting, lots of food for thought! Also reassuring to see that people DO still find love.😊

Linda Ayres-Frederick
August 17, 2024 1:54 am

What a JOY of a show to watch. I couldn’t stop laughing but then Mr. Budd has such excellent comic timing that it’s hard not to laugh. There are also some emotional moments that brought a tear to my eye. So glad I didn’t miss this. And I highly recommend it to anyone who ever loved or wanted to be in a loving relationship. Much wisdom to take home too. Don’t miss the last show next Sundy 8/25 at 6pm.

August 16, 2024 4:58 pm

Oy! What a LOVE-ly show! My two friends and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Highest recommendation!

Robert Paine
August 16, 2024 3:04 pm

Steve Budd’s powerful, funny and deeply touching story about looking for love, loving and being vulnerable enough to be loved.
Steve effortlessly plays multiple people throughout the show switching back and forth with clarity precision and a real sense of their humanity.
It’s a beautiful story told with joy by the guy who lived it!! I highly recommend “Oy What They Said About Love“!!

August 16, 2024 4:09 am

The show was a lot of fun, and creative. I love it!

Radhika Rao
August 16, 2024 3:58 am

This was the best use of 60 min i could have hoped for! Steve’s skills in weaving multiple stories together, his ability to take us on an emotional journey, the humor, authenticity and music in this show- i was leaning in the whole time, laughing, crying and glued to the stage. Not to be missed! Standing Ovation worthy!

Sherry Karver and Jerry Ratch
August 15, 2024 4:45 pm

We have seen three of Steve Budd’s one man plays and he is terrific! Very funny, warm, heartfelt, and relatable. He touches so eloquently on deep subjects of looking for love, issues with religion, family, and how to navigate all of them.
Steve’s ability to portray numerous characters just with a change in voice or hand motions is real talent. We recommend seeing any play Steve creates! Latest one is “Oy, What They Said About Love”.

August 14, 2024 2:31 pm

Compelling performance by Mr Budd, who is a joy to watch on stage. His play is thought-provoking, funny and a great addition to the Fringe Festival lineup

Natalia D
August 13, 2024 3:32 am

Fun play and great performance

August 12, 2024 4:29 pm

A beautifully rendered portrait that captures the essence of love and partnership. Funny, deeply moving, expertly acted and directed.

August 11, 2024 8:44 pm

Oy, what an interesting thought provoking expose of several modern Jews’ experiences of love, all performed by one-man wunderkind Steve Budd.